About Us

Southover Wealth is a specialist financial services firm based in London and Brighton. Our expertise lies in building and managing wealth for private clients, families, and business owners. With our experience, knowledge and unwavering commitment, we help our clients accomplish their financial ambitions in a clear, concise, and thoughtful manner.

With our deep understanding of the British business landscape, we are proud to serve as a trusted partner, delivering expertise, professionalism, and security to the future of your business.

At Southover Wealth, we believe in a holistic approach to wealth management that goes beyond numbers and balances. We understand the importance of financial well-being for mental health, and therefore, we provide comprehensive services and educational programs to empower individuals and businesses with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the financial landscape with confidence.

Our dedicated team of professionals works closely with clients, offering personalised solutions tailored to their unique needs and objectives. From investment planning and portfolio management to retirement and estate planning, we provide strategic guidance and support at every step of the financial journey.



Your Southover Plan

We recognise that everyone has different objectives in life, and the path to achieving those goals varies from one person to the next. Understanding this, we create your personalised Southover Plans, tailored to your specific needs and aspirations.

Your plan provides a clear roadmap, aligning your current financial position with your desired future outcomes. As your needs evolve over time, we ensure your plan is regularly updated, allowing us to provide relevant advice and keep you on track. Our commitment lies in delivering personalised guidance and consistently adapting with you to support your financial journey effectively.

Inform & Explore

When we initially meet it is always on a no obligation basis. We tell you about ourselves, the service we offer and the types of clients we work with. We then explore a bit about you, what you do and what makes you, you.


When then look to understand you better, what makes you tick and what you want to achieve. This may be for yourself, your family or your business. We all have objectives and aspirations but often, we don’t have time to put pen to paper.

The Southover Plan

In a follow up meeting we will then run through your Southover Plan. This will allow us both to be informed about where you are today according to where you want to get to. It allows us to see how well you are doing! Your adviser will then be able to highlight a number of thoughtful recommendations on how you can improve your financial wellbeing.


The Southover Plan allowed us to see the areas we need to improve, we then work to accomplish and implement the recommendations.

Review, Monitor
& Change

A plan is always better than nothing, but ‘the only constant in life is change’. Change in your personal circumstances, in market conditions or in legislation. Reviewing, monitoring and changing your plan is key to its success and if your objectives are being met as our advice is updated. We move forward together.